Users Rights

Users Rights

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Users Rights

Fast Accounts has further improved User Rights and Controls. Now Admin can decide Users’ access to

  • Banks
  • Projects and
  • Locations

In the Bank Module, the User will only be able to view the transactions relating to the banks for which access has been granted.
On All Screens, the User will be only able to view the Projects for which access has been granted.
On Sales Invoices and Supplier Bills, the User will only be able to view the data for the Locations which are allocated to the User.
Admin can also decide if User should be allowed to alter Sale Rate, Discount etc on Sale Invoices and Sales Order screens.

1. How to Add a User

  1. Go to Settings Menu
  2. Select User Management, this will open User List
  3. Select Add New, this will open the New User Form

Fill in the necessary details, select the Type as User, select the Role from the dropdown list.
Tick the box for Fixed Sale Rate or Fixed Discount etc.
Select Bank, Project and Location to grant access.
Choose a single or Multi Options. For Access to all select “All” from the Dropdown List.

Please call FastAccounts Team on +(92) 042-111-008-339 for further support.