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Print Templates

Fast Accounts allows you to add multiple print templates in both Sales Printing Purchases Printing In the Sales and Purchases Printing Sections, you will be able to add/customise the templates for the following Sales Invoice (SI) Sales Credit (VC) Sales Order (SO) Sales Receipt (SR) Delivery Note (GDNSI) Delivery Note (GDNSO) Suppl...

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How to Customise Journal Printing

Fast Accounts provides the journal on all transactional screens which include; 1. Sales 1.1. Invoices 1.2. Receipts 2. Purchases 2.1. Bills 2.2. Payments 3. Bank 3.1. Payments 3.2. Receipts 3.3.Transfers 4. General Journal On all relevant screens an option to “Print Journal” is available. Customise Journal Printing Use can customise the Jo...

Blog Fast Accounts

How to Customise Bank Voucher Printing

Fast Accounts provides the journal and bank vouchers printing in the Bank Module. This option is available for Bank Payments Bank Receipts Bank Transfers On all relevant screens when clicked on the Print icon, it will have two options, 1. Bank (Voucher) Printing 2. Journal Printing Bank Voucher Printing will provide details without Debit...

Fast Accounts

Two copies of Sales Receipts and Bill Payments

We have now introduced a feature to allow print of two copies of sale receipts side by side on the same page. 1. How to enable two copies print for Sale Receipts Go to Settings Menu Select Sales Receipts This will open Receipts Settings Menu Once on the Receipts Settings screen Select Settings from Left Menu Check “2 Copi...

Fast Accounts

Fast Accounts Journal Printing

The new journal printing with traditional debit & credit style, has been added to all sections in the Fast Accounts. 1. Bank and Journals On the Bank and Journal section, the print button is available on the top of the listing. On bank voucher printing only select a single row from a voucher and it will print the entire voucher. Bank Pay...