User Role Further Update

User Role Further Update

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User Role Further Update

At Fast Accounts, we allow Admin to create Roles for the Users and define the access and rights of the User as per your requirements. This key feature has made us one of the best-selling accounting software in Pakistan.

We have now further upgraded the Role as a result you will be able to allocate Print and Import Rights by choice to the User. In each module, you will note that Print and Import have become available as a choice.

In addition, we have also enhanced the Sale Order Approve and Invoice Rights.

In case, you want the User to only Approve/Reject the Sales Order, simply provide Approval Add Rights only. In case you would like the User to create invoices from the Order, you can add Order Invoice Right. Modify means the user will be able to reverse/change the Order status.

Lastly, we have now provided the Print button on all screens in the Sales and Purchases modules on the view of the transactions

For the existing Users, you can revisit the roles and make the changes to further customise their access.

Please contact Fast Accounts Support Team for further details.