FastAccounts vs Xero: Which Accounting Software is Right for Your Business

FastAccounts vs Xero: Which Accounting Software is Right for Your Business

FastAccounts vs Xero: Which Accounting Software is Right for Your Business

Having the right accounting software can make all the difference when managing your business finances. Two popular options in the market are FastAccounts and Xero. Both are cloud-based accounting software offering various features and functionalities to help small and medium-sized businesses manage their financial operations more efficiently. But which one is the best fit for your business? In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the features and benefits of each to help you make an informed decision.

FastAccounts: A Quick Overview

FastAccounts is an all-in-one accounting software that offers a range of features such as invoicing, expense tracking, inventory management, and financial reporting. It is designed to be easy to use and affordable for small businesses. With FastAccounts, you can manage all your financial operations in one place, track your income and expenses, create and send invoices, and even accept payments online.

One of the standout features of FastAccounts is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for even non-accountants to use. Additionally, at this point, FastAccounts offers 24/7 customer support, which means you can get help whenever needed.

FastAccounts offers various financial reporting tools and features, including real-time cash flow reporting, customizable financial reports, and budget forecasting. FastAccounts’ financial reporting customization options are more extensive than those offered by Xero, making it a better choice for businesses that require advanced financial reporting features.

Xero: A Quick Overview

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software that offers similar features to FastAccounts, but with a more robust set of functionalities. Xero offers a range of features such as invoicing, expense tracking, inventory management, financial reporting, and even payroll management. Xero is designed to be scalable, which means it can grow with your business as it expands.

One of the standout features of Xero is its strong integrations with other software platforms, which means you can easily connect it to your other business tools. Additionally, Xero offers a mobile app that allows you to manage your finances.

Xero’s financial reporting features are not as extensive as FastAccounts. While Xero offers financial reporting tools, FastAccounts offers a wider range of reporting options and customization features.

FastAccounts vs Xero: Feature Comparison

Regarding features, both FastAccounts and Xero offer a range of tools to help you manage your finances. However, there are some key differences that you should consider when choosing between the two.


FastAccounts and Xero offer invoicing capabilities, but FastAccounts has more advanced customization options and robust tax management features for a wider range of industries. FastAccounts allows businesses to create and send invoices with additional options and columns, making managing invoicing for different industries more flexible. The software also provides a more robust tax management system, enabling businesses to manage taxes more flexibly and conveniently. In contrast, Xero’s invoicing features are more limited in terms of customization and tax management, but it does offer useful features such as automatic payment reminders and recurring invoices. Ultimately, businesses requiring more advanced invoicing options and tax management capabilities may find FastAccounts the better choice.

Expense tracking

Both FastAccounts and Xero allow you to track your expenses. However, Xero offers more advanced features, such as the ability to capture receipts using your smartphone and automatic bank feeds. Xero’s automatic bank feeds make it easy to keep track of your expenses, as it automatically imports transactions from your bank account into the software. With FastAccounts, you can import transactions manually, which can be time-consuming if you have a lot of transactions to process.

Additionally, Xero’s smartphone app lets you capture receipts and expenses on the go, making it easy to track expenses even when you’re not at your desk. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with employees who frequently travel or work remotely. With FastAccounts, you can still track expenses using the software, but you’ll need to manually enter each expense’s details.

Overall, Xero’s advanced expense-tracking features make it a better choice for businesses prioritizing convenience and automation in their expense-tracking processes. However, if your business doesn’t require these advanced features, FastAccounts may still be suitable for expense tracking.”

User Rights

Both FastAccounts and Xero allow businesses to set up multiple users with different access levels, enabling them to control who can view and edit financial data. With FastAccounts, businesses can create different user roles and assign them to employees, giving them access to only the necessary information. Similarly, Xero allows businesses to create custom user roles and set specific permissions for each role. Both platforms offer a range of user roles, including the administrator, standard user, and read-only access.

Advanced User Rights

FastAccounts offers more advanced user rights features compared to Xero. With FastAccounts, businesses can create advanced user rights to allow users to perform specific tasks, such as creating invoices or managing inventory, without providing full access to financial data.

On the other hand, Xero’s advanced user rights are more limited. While Xero allows businesses to create custom user roles, it does not offer the ability to create advanced user rights for specific tasks.

Overall, FastAccounts offers more advanced user rights features than Xero, making it a better choice for businesses requiring finer control over user access and security.

Inventory management

FastAccounts and Xero offer inventory management features, but Xero’s capabilities are more advanced. With Xero, you can track inventory levels in real-time and set up automatic reordering.

Customer support: Both FastAccounts and Xero offer customer support, but at this point, FastAccounts is offering 24/7 support, while Xero offers support during business hours.

Financial Reporting


FastAccounts may offer a wider range of financial reports and more advanced customization options than Xero. FastAccounts also provides real-time reporting of cash flow and budget forecasts, which can be valuable features for businesses to monitor their financial performance.

Overall, businesses that prioritize advanced financial reporting and customization options may find FastAccounts to be a better fit. However, as I mentioned earlier, the decision ultimately depends on your specific business needs and budget.


Which Accounting Software is Right for Your Business?

Choosing between FastAccounts and Xero ultimately depends on your business’s specific needs and budget. If you prioritize advanced financial reporting features and customization options, FastAccounts is the clear winner. However, if you require advanced invoicing and inventory management features, Xero may be a better choice. It’s worth noting that Xero has some limitations, such as restrictions on the number of invoices in each package, which may not work for all businesses.


When making your decision, carefully evaluate the features and pricing of each platform to determine which one is the best fit for your business. By doing so, you’ll be able to find an accounting software solution that helps you stay on top of your finances and grow your business in a sustainable way.