Fast Accounts Journal Printing

Fast Accounts Journal Printing

Fast Accounts

Fast Accounts Journal Printing

The new journal printing with traditional debit & credit style, has been added to all sections in the Fast Accounts.

1. Bank and Journals

On the Bank and Journal section, the print button is available on the top of the listing. On bank voucher printing only select a single row from a voucher and it will print the entire voucher.

  1. Bank Payments
  2. Bank Receipts
  3. Bank Transfers
  4. Journals

The new printing has option to record the approval process on the printed vouchers as highlighted below.

2. Sales

The journal printing in Sales section is available in the Action Menu. In case of product system will print journal according to the Nominal Accounts linked with the product.

  1. Sales Invoices
  2. Sales Receipts

The journal of Sales Receipts also provides the list of the sales Invoices against which the Receipts are recorded. The unallocated amount is shown as separate line in the journal.

3. Expenses

The journal printing in Expenses section is also available in the Action Menu. It covers all transactions in the Expenses section as it does in Sales.

  1. Supplier Bills
  2. Supplier Payments